Workshops & Retreats
Zen @ Work applies the practices and principles of Zen Meditation to the modern predicament of working in the world, helping people align their energies with their livelihood.
Half-day and one-day workshops & retreats are designed for individuals and teams to understand and experience the benefits of a Mindfulness practice. We address the cognitive, somatic and experiential dimensions of mindfulness in a manner that is relaxing, non-threatening, and empowering.
Workshops are held at company sites. They include a structured program of information + guided experiential practice + interactive/group sharing for integration. Participants are empowered with an understanding of the factors that contribute to mindLESSness, and practical tools to re-source from your own body-mind.
Paul Gyodo leading a Zen@Work Corporate Workshop, 2019
Retreats are held in off-site retreat facilities. A single Half-Day of Silence can be deeply restorative and initiate a shift in your unproductive attention-habits. Short guided practice periods are experienced in a natural environment of Noble Silence (inner and outer) that promotes rest-recovery from over-stimulation and "monkey mind."
The Farm is also available for dedicated one-day retreats or team-building activities, incorporating the Zen @ Work retreat model to your company’s existing sessions. Executive or management retreats, visioning sessions, brainstorming sessions, or informal team-building are strongly supported by the environment, our Mindfulness offerings, and our business/startup experience.
Registration for Half-Day of Silence Retreats at Willow Farm Contemplative Center outside Boulder is now open!